
1955 - 1959

Created by Kathryn 3 years ago

Uprooting their lives they emigrated to Canada to start a life in the new World.  On the boat journey, Norma was the only one not to suffer seasickness!

Her first job was in a department store 'toys'.  She was a great sales lady and always had a pile of sales tickets on the spike much higher than the other sales staff.  One male customer was so pleased with her service for selling him a train set he put a fiver down her cleavage!

Soon she got a job at the University of Toronto in the Banting Research Foundation in a teaching department for medical interns. Her UK qualifications didn't apply in Canada so she had to start again.  She worked on Histology and it was not long before she was then transferred to the Connaught Medical Research Laboratories working on the polio vaccine. And Flu Vaccine which was a new discovery then. She studied in Canada for a microbiology diploma, which was sent on to the UK in due course to complete.

Norma and Don's time in Canada came to an abrupt halt when Don was made redundant. Don work for AVRO, a new pioneering jet that was disbanded as Government decided to use funds for Anti-Missile Stations due to the emerging Cold War.  Thousands of men laid off including Don, so they came home as they still had funds for fares.